Winning In Sports & Education Youth Basketball Rules and Policies
(Updated 7/6/2024)
Unless modified by these rules, the Winning in Sports and Education Basketball League will follow the rules of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) in conjunction with the PGCBGC basketball rules. A special note that rules regarding team jersey numbers applies to this league.
The Winning In Sports and Education Basketball League will hereinafter be referred to as W.I.S.E. or League.
Game Timing (Running Clock)
9U and under divisions- 28-minute game/ (4) 7-minute quarters
11U and above divisions: 32-minute game/ (4) 8-minute quarters
Stop Clock:
Clock stops on time outs, half time, and between quarters.
Time outs are 1 minute
Half time is 3 minutes
Between quarters is 1 minute
Final 2 minutes of 4th quarter is stop clock.
The league director only has the option to enforce change of the time for warmups and half time to get games caught up. If there is more than a twenty-point spread in a game, the clock will continue to run.
Technical fouls: clock stops for all technical fouls
There will be one 2‐minute overtime in all games ending in a tie with each team receiving one time out for the overtime (teams may not carry‐over any timeouts).
The clock will stop for all dead ball situations during overtime.
If after the first overtime and the score remains in a tie, the game ends in a TIE. There will be NO second OVERTIME during the regular season. In the Playoffs, overtime will be played until there is a winner.
Fouls/Foul Shots:
Each team is allowed 5 team fouls per quarter; double bonus on the 7th team foul.
Technical Fouls/Intentional Fouls/Flagrant Fouls: 2 free throw shots to the other team along with possession of the ball.
Any individual given a second technical foul will be removed from the gym. That individual will receive a one game suspension for their next scheduled game.
Foul shots for 8/9U divisions can be inside of the free throw line, as long as they start behind the line. They may step on or in front of the line when they land with no penalty applied.
Each team has (3) 60‐seconds time‐outs per game.
Overtime Time-Outs: Each team is given one time out for every overtime, no carry‐overs.
Full Court pressure:
8/9U- no full court press is allowed. If the offense is in possession of the ball, the defense must retreat and allow the offense to move the ball across the half court. Once the offense crosses the half court, all defenses are allowed.
Mercy Rule:
8U and above divisions: coaches must pull their half court press if ahead by 10 points or more; running clock
9U and above divisions -coaches need to pull their full court or half court press if ahead by 20 points or more; running clock
Playing Time Fairness ‐ 60/40 Philosophy:
If listed on the roster and dressed to play (unless injured or suspended from playing), every player must play in every game. W.I.S.E. adopts a 60/40 playing rule that suggests that all players receive between 40% to 60% of the playing time in each game. Please rotate your players according to our playing time fairness philosophy. During playoffs coaches are encouraged to play all players but it is not required.
Timekeepers and Scorekeepers:
Score table coverage will be provided by WISE.
Game Ball:
Will be provided by the Home Team.
Teams will be broken into teams by a league draft. Coaches will draft their own teams. The draft will be a serpentine draft. All coaches will have their children automatically placed on their team. The draft order will be picked from a hat. Team placement on the schedule will also be drawn from a hat.
Contact League Commissioner: Teams must contact the league commissioner in writing to request a change. An extraordinary situation must be present for changes to be considered and/or approved by the league commissioner after the roster closed period, which is by the first regular season game. Parents/guardians may be subject to an administration fee if they elect to leave the league after two weeks into the league. ABSOLUTELY NO ROSTER CHANGES WILL BE MADE IN THE POST SEASON.
Coaches, parents and fans are expected to create a team environment in which primary emphasis is placed upon the emotional and physical well‐being and skill improvement of the players, rather than winning. Coaches, parents and fans should lead by example and demonstrate the value of fair play and sportsmanship to all participants. Disrespect, cursing, obscene language, any negativity at any regular season game will NEVER be tolerated and may result in a technical foul to the team.
Poor Behavior: Further poor behavior by any teams, players, parents, coaches and spectators at any time in the facility may result in the team, coach, or player being suspended from the next game. Extremely poor behavior by anyone may result in being banned from entering the facility. Failure to leave the area when requested may result in immediate termination and possible forfeiture of the game.
Winning In Sports and Education (W.I.S.E.) is an age-based program. Any student athlete older than the posted dates, W.I.S.E feels would benefit most by playing with players their own age. A player’s age is determined by birthday prior to July 1 (Summer League) and December 1 (Winter League).